Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Allow me to e-introduce myself my name is Keena ( *echo* Keena )
K to the double E
I used to bbm & text all my homies
Now I'm blogging to the world about the real me
Keenebral Komplex on your Mac or PC, OOOO!

Thank you, Thank you.

If you are reading this sentence, my opening worked, phew. Thank you for logging into my blog. This is something new for me, but I'm very excited about it. I always have thoughts and ideas going through my mind and my close circle of friends, 140 character limited twitter statuses, and family members JUST don't seem to do it for me. Plan B: Blog. I mean, what else is a blog but getting your thoughts and opinions out there without being interrupted by a twit-longer, someone else calling, or an unwanted or unnecessary opinion right at the peak of your frustration/vent/story?

Keenebral Komplex came about because sometimes you need an uninterrupted space. I titled it this because my brain is like a matrix -- a combustion of alphanumeric symbols that are floating around almost begging to get out. To put myself out there a little bit ( uh oh, already getting naked for the net ) I think I'm a pretty complicated chick. I over-analyze and I don't let things go too easily without a fight. I feel as though I am at a point where I seek the opinions of others to ensure that my train of thought is a good one, and I'm willing to accept criticism, BUT, be able and willing to back up what you are saying.

Next, who am I? I am a fun, completely random, overly dramatic, family oriented, housewife wannabe, lover of the arts. I plan on giving you a little bit of everything within this blog: love, hate, advice, recipes, mantras, the whole nine.

I don't want to go too deep in this first blog, just wanted to give a quick intro about me and why I started. Continue to check me out, I think you'll have fun.

Smoochis :*

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