" If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all "
My birthday was 10 days ago and if this is a precursor to the year, I'm going to have to claim 2012 starting TODAY -- I know, the new year just started but nobody knows the trouble I've seen lol. I went through a down and out stage where my desire to be happy was lacking and my passions were in jeopardy. I didn't have a complete idea to blog about, a recipe in my head or a song in my heart. I wasn't who I usually am and I was hiding behind a mask that grinned and lied. Fortunately, my wake-up call came through to deliver a simple message: Trouble Don't Last Always.
The ability to change our mood relies on ourselves and it's our choice to change it. It's becoming way to easy and acceptable to drown in our sorrows. We want pity parties, even though we proclaim we don't, and we want to bask in the misery because someone is always ready and willing to feel our pain and keep us company. Sure, it's a great excuse to eat a pint of vanilla ice cream in one sitting and shop 'til we drop, but like most actions brought about by emotions, we will probably regret it later. So, to my sorrows and misery of the new year, I have one simple message for you: Thank you.
Strange right? Here me out. I spent so much time dwelling on how upset I was and how things weren't working out the way I wanted them to, I didn't appreciate the things I already had that were working so well. I was so determined to keep something that didn't want to be kept, I almost lost something that never second guessed it's position. I had to check myself -- I have other options, I will live without certain things and whatever I'm going through won't last forever. I can be happy for sunshine, because I've seen rain and snow, but that's a different story. * Get it together Mother Nature *
I'm still trying to keep to my new year's resolution and stay happy no matter what. Materialistic things, love and others may make us happier, but we need to be able to be happy without them. If we get to the point where the joy we have didn't come from worldly things, then worldly things can't take it away. Deep right? I'll say it again, slightly different -- If the joy you have doesn't come from the world, how can the world take it from you? ** snaps fingers ** If we were stripped of it all, do we slump into depression or do we adjust to the blow and rebuild?
The sequence of the event:
Something happens --> We elicit an emotion --> Time passes --> We move on.
I'm not naive enough to say it's as simple as my diagram. I'm also not naive enough to say that we will get over everything because unfortunately, there are events in our lives that leave everlasting scars. I am, however, confident enough to say that if we are lucky enough to not be in one of those situations, work feverishly to move on. Being sad or troubled is a horrible feeling. Time heals and we can assist in the process by packing the bags of our sorrow and leaving them by the door; we don't need it lagging around and looking for remnants of left behind memories. Instead of staying in your favorite spot on the couch, snag a friend to go out for dinner or drinks. Instead of going straight home, catch a movie. If you have to go home, watch t.v. for a bit or call a friend.
If you are in this situation, do this. If you know of someone who may be suffocating because of the different issues hogging their air, revive them with a trip to the nail salon; you don't necessarily have to pay. Idle minds are the devil's playground -- the more we sit around doing nothing, we're going to think of all of the reasons we have to be sad and it becomes overwhelming.
Just so I don't receive numerous messages and phone calls from people after reading this post, I am ok. I just had tons of life events hit me at once that tried to dim my light. I share this with you because we all hit road blocks that try to steer us from our path or get distracted from our ultimate goal, focusing on the minute along our road to bigger things. It's not the end of the world, but it can feel that way. Write, cook, run, do something. Just remember, when you're down, you can only go up.
For those who don't know me outside of my posts, I think I'm an unusually happy and pleasant person. I have things that ruffle my feathers and grind my gears, but it's rare to catch me without a smile. I try to be the best me that I can be, because honestly, I am the only one that can do it. I try to stay positive and lead by example, but everyday is a learning experience and I'm growing as the days pass. I love who I was, I love who I am and I have this uncanny feeling that I am going to love who I will become.
Life snuck up on me. I dwelled on it, went out a few times, cooked a good meal with the music blaring in the background and blogged. What are you going to do?
Smoochis :-*
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